Another Hello!

Hello everyone!

I am excited to be in my seventh and eighth MET courses this semester.  In addition to ETEC 522 I will be heading to Toronto for a week in July for the Historical Thinking Project, which I am quite excited about.

 I currently teach Secondary English, Social Studies and Learning Support in Coquitlam, British Columbia.  This teaching assignment is actually my first teaching contract, as I worked as a TTOC for the two years prior.

I recently ran my first Pro-D workshop on Prezi and am a new addition to Twitter as I try to expand my technology usage.  I have recently discovered the joys of Edmodo and am using it more and more with all of my classes with great success!

I look forward to considering technology from a different perspective in this course and to getting to know you as we work through the semester together!

Meggan in 'weemee' form!

Meggan in 'weemee' form!

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